Constant exposure to IFN-γ interrupts RBC and B-cell differentiations. Total BM cells were stained with fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies for lineage differentiation analysis. (A) Different developmental stages of RBCs were gated according to the expression levels of Ter119 and CD71 (R1: proerythroblasts, Ter119medCD71high; R2: early basophilic erythroblasts, Ter119highCD71high; R3: polychromatophilic erythroblasts, Ter119highCD71med; R4: orthochromatophilic erythroblasts, Ter119highCD71lo). ProE cells are gated on the CD71hi and Ter119low population. Ter119hi population was then further defined on the basis of the expression levels of CD71 and cell size into EryA (CD71highFSChigh), EryB (CD71highFSClow), and EryC (CD71lowFSClow). (B) Live IgM–B220+ population in BM was measured by using CD43 and CD19 to define PreProB (CD43+CD19–). PreB (B200+CD43–) and ProB (B220+CD43+) populations were gated on live IgM– population in BM using CD43 and B220. Mature B cells were gated on a live IgM+B220+ population. (C) Myeloid cells in BM were gated on the Mac1+CD11b+ population. Dot plots are representative of 1 set of multiple experiments. Bar graphs show the percentage of total live BM cells and the total cell numbers of each cell type (n = 5). Similar results were obtained from 4 different experiments. Results are expressed as mean ± SD. *P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001; ****P < .0001.