Specific antibodies against the central region of Aβ block the Aβ-fibrinogen interaction. (A) The epitopes for several antibodies against Aβ are illustrated in the schematic and include epitopes 1 to 5 (3D6; Elan), 8 to 17 (6F/3D; Dako), 17 to 24 (4G8; Covance), 22 to 35 (ab62658; Abcam), and 33 to 42 (G2-11; Abcam). (B) Antibodies at concentrations listed in “Methods” were incubated with fibrinogen and biotinylated Aβ42. Pulldown of biotinylated Aβ42 revealed that antibodies 6F/3D and 4G8 are able to interfere with the Aβ-fibrinogen interaction. Results presented in graphs are mean ± SEM, and statistical significance was determined using 1-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Bonferroni post hoc test (**P < .01; n = 3).