Lactadherin reduced TBI-induced coagulopathy and vasculopathy. Clotting time (A) and plasma d-dimer (B) of sham mice and FPI mice preconditioned with either PBS or lactadherin (n = 16, 1-way ANOVA). Representative images of PTAH-stained lungs from a sham mouse (C) and FPI mice receiving PBS (D, red arrow indicates extensive blue PTAH stain for intravascular fibrin deposition) or lactadherin (E, arrow indicates significantly reduced intravascular PTAH stain, bar in C-E = 10 μm). Representative images of H&E-stained lungs from a sham mouse (F) and FPI mice receiving PBS (G) or lactadherin (H, bar in F-H = 20 μm). Perivascular space (denoted with an asterisk) is enlarged with extravascular accumulation of erythrocytes (hemorrhage) in the lungs of TBI mice receiving PBS. The C-H images are representatives of the 26 mice examined.