Figure 3.
Platelet GPVI modulates inflammation during pneumonia-derived sepsis. Mice were injected with JAQ1 or IgG control antibody, infected with K pneumoniae via the airways, and sacrificed 12, 36, or 42 hours after infection. (A) Macrophage counts in the BALF. (B-D) Neutrophil recruitment to the lung, measured by Ly6+ cell counts in the BALF (B) and Ly-6 staining of lung sections (C-D). (E-G) Neutrophil granulation markers in the BALF (E, MMP9; F, elastase, and G, MPO). (H) Protein levels in the BALF. (I) IgM levels in the BALF. (J-M) CXC chemokines and proinflammatory cytokines in the BALF (J, CXCL1; K, CXCL2; L, IL-6, and M, TNF-α). Data are presented as box and whisker plots of 8 mice per group at each time point. *P < .05, **P < .005 vs IgG control.