Figure 3.
Global analysis of H2AUb and H2BUb modification in MLL-ENL transformed cells. (A) Integrated genome viewer visualization of MLL-ENL occupancy, H2AUb and H2BUb modification (2 independent biological replicates each), PAF1 binding, and transcript landscape as determined by nascent RNA sequencing at HoxA- and Meis1 loci. Data were recorded in Meer cells, which are cells transformed by an inducible Mll-ENL derivative created by knocking in an ENL-estrogen receptor fusion into the endogenous murine Mll locus. Meer cells can be derived by cultivating bone marrow precursor cells of Meer-animals in the presence of tamoxifen and cytokines. MLL-ENL binding and transcript data were taken from Garcia-Cuellar et al.27 (B) Global distribution of H2AUb, H2Bub, and PAF1 in Meer cells. Plots depict the relative distribution of the 2 ubiquitin marks, PAF1 occupancy, as well as transcript density with respect to transcribed genes. MLL-ENL target genes, as defined by Garcia-Cuellar et al,27 were separately analyzed with all other genes binned into 3 groups according to their transcription rates. Transcr, transcription.