Figure 4.
Aberrant splicing in BM cell populations of SFmut MDS. (A-B) UpSet plots showing the overlap of aberrant splicing events identified in monocyte (MON), granulocyte (GRA), and erythroid (ERY) precursor cell populations isolated from SF3B1 (A) and SRSF2 (B) mutant MDS patient samples. (C-H) Ranked heat maps showing the top 15 dysregulated pathways (C,F), top 15 transcriptional regulators (D,G), and top 6 drug/chemical gene sets (E,H) in MON, GRA, and ERY populations of SF3B1 mutant and SRSF2 mutant patients with MDS. Only heat map tiles with a -log10pvalue > 1.3 (P value < .05) are shown. Within each heat map, dysregulated pathways, transcriptional regulators and drug/chemical names are ranked by the IPA ranking score.