TF activity is enhanced in Pon2−/−ECs and anti-TF treatment normalizes coagulation and endothelial dysfunction in Pon2−/−mice. (A) Full-length TF (flTF) and alternatively spliced TF (asTF) mRNA levels in primary ECs isolated from lungs of Pon2−/− and WT mice (n = 5-7; normalized against Gapdh and β-actin). Student t test. (B) Western blotting for TF protein expression from cells as in panel A (results from 2 representative cell isolations are shown). (C) TF activity under basal conditions or upon treatment with anti-TF antibody 21E10 in lysates from Pon2−/− or WT ECs (n = 4-7). Results are presented as pM normalized total protein (µg). **P < .01; ***P < .001; 1-way ANOVA with Bonferroni multiple comparison test. (D) PT, (E) aPTT, and (F) tail-tip bleeding time of Pon2−/− and WT mice treated with anti-TF 21E10, control IgG, or solvent (0.9% NaCl) (n = 5-14). P values are indicated; Mann-Whitney U test; Student t test. Scatter plots show results for individual mice, mean and SEM. (G-H) Endothelium-dependent vascular relaxation of (G) control IgG-treated and (H) 21E10-treated Pon2−/− and WT mice. Statistical analyses performed as in Figure 1G (n = 4-6). **P < .01; ***P < .001.