Changes in endothelial permeability induced by purified P falciparum GPIs.P falciparum GPIs from the parasite line FCR-3 at 1 μg/mL induced increased (A) FITC-albumin flux and (B) TER in unprimed and IFN-γ–primed (20 ng/mL x16 h) HDMECs (n = 4). The increase in permeability was significantly higher in primed cells. (C) IFN-γ did not enhance the effect of parasite sonicates (n = 5). (D) An inhibitory TLR2 antibody, a receptor for Pf-GPIs, had no effect on parasite sonicate activity (n = 4). *P < .05, **P < .01 compared with control values by Student paired t test. For multiple comparisons, †P < .05, †††P < .001 by ANOVA with post hoc analysis by Tukey test. (A-D) Results are expressed as mean (± SD).