Figure 5
Figure 5. Chemokines and cytokines in lymph nodes of patients with chronic HIV-1 and patients without HIV-1. Presented are concentrations of chemokines/cytokines released by uninfected and HIV-1–infected lymph nodes (6 or fewer blocks number 27 or less in 3 mL of medium) over 15 days in culture. Black symbols indicate chronic HIV-1–infected lymph nodes; gray symbols, normal lymph nodes. For HIV-1–infected lymph nodes, each square represents data from 1 of 10 donors. For uninfected lymph nodes, each triangle represents data from 1 of 10 donors. Line denotes median of the concentrations for each cytokine. *Statistical significance for a nonparametric Mann-Whitney test performed on the median of concentrations (P < .05).

Chemokines and cytokines in lymph nodes of patients with chronic HIV-1 and patients without HIV-1. Presented are concentrations of chemokines/cytokines released by uninfected and HIV-1–infected lymph nodes (6 or fewer blocks number 27 or less in 3 mL of medium) over 15 days in culture. Black symbols indicate chronic HIV-1–infected lymph nodes; gray symbols, normal lymph nodes. For HIV-1–infected lymph nodes, each square represents data from 1 of 10 donors. For uninfected lymph nodes, each triangle represents data from 1 of 10 donors. Line denotes median of the concentrations for each cytokine. *Statistical significance for a nonparametric Mann-Whitney test performed on the median of concentrations (P < .05).

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