Gfi1b is a developmental marker during erythroid maturation in fetal liver. (A) Analysis of GFP expression (right) of Gfi1b+/GFP fetal liver cells stained with cKit-PE and Ter119-APC and gated for erythroid maturation stages as indicated (left). Given are the MFIs (median fluorescence intensities) of the indicated populations. (B) FACS analysis of GFP:Gfi1b expression of fetal liver cells from Gfi1b+/GFP or Gfi1bGFP/GFP embryos at 14.5 days pc stained with CD71-PE and Ter119-APC and gated as indicated. Given are the MFIs of the indicated populations. FACS analyses are representative for at least 3 independent experiments with individual sets of mice.