Rh antigen and Rh complex expression levels of red cell subsets from patients apparently affected by either somatic recombination-associated RH duplication or deletion. Expression of (A) Rh antigens C, e, and c, and of (B) total Rh protein, RhAG, and LW of C+D+ and C−D− RBC subpopulations (C+D+ subpop and C−D− subpop) of CcDdee patients with either somatic recombination-associated RH duplication (duplication: patients 1, 2, and 6) or monoallelic RH deletion (resulting in RH hemizygosity; deletion: patient 3) is shown. For comparison, values of control CcDdee (n = 3) and ccddee (n = 3) RBC samples are depicted. Monoallelic RH deletion in patient 3 is reflected by markedly reduced e and c expression of his C−D− subpopulation, compared with ccddee controls. In contrast, C−D− subpopulations from patients with RH duplication express e and c levels similar to ccddee controls. Moreover, the partial RH hemizygosity of patient 3 was also associated with particularly low expression of total Rh protein, RhAG, and LW of his C−D− subset. Data are shown as the averaged mean fluorescence intensities relative to values of CcDdee control RBCs set as 100%. Error bars represent SD.