Figure 3
Figure 3. Hierarchical cluster-defined CBF subgroups. Subset of the top SAM genes (rows; ordered by SAM score) characterizing the hierarchical cluster-defined CBF subgroups. Mean-centered imputed gene-expression ratios are depicted by a log2 pseudocolor scale (indicated). The 93 CBF AML cases (columns) have been ordered according to the dendrogram of the unsupervised 2-way hierarchical cluster analysis (Figure 1). Owing to space limitations, only selected genes are indicated.

Hierarchical cluster-defined CBF subgroups. Subset of the top SAM genes (rows; ordered by SAM score) characterizing the hierarchical cluster-defined CBF subgroups. Mean-centered imputed gene-expression ratios are depicted by a log2 pseudocolor scale (indicated). The 93 CBF AML cases (columns) have been ordered according to the dendrogram of the unsupervised 2-way hierarchical cluster analysis (Figure 1). Owing to space limitations, only selected genes are indicated.

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