Figure 4
Figure 4. Comparison of gene expression in cultured fetal and adult HSCs. Transcript levels were determined by Q-RT-PCR for each gene relative to Gapdh on the 48-hour progeny of highly purified suspensions of HSCs from E14.5 fetal liver (FL, □) and adult bone marrow (BM, ■) cultured under serum-free conditions with growth factors that optimize HSC maintenance (50 ng/mL SF for the fetal liver cells and 300 ng/mL SF plus 20 ng/mL IL-11 for the adult bone marrow cells). Lin−Sca1+CD43+Mac1+ cells were isolated from E14.5 fetal liver cells and lin−Rho−SP cells were isolated from adult bone marrow as described in “Materials and methods.” Results are the mean plus or minus SEM of data from 2 to 3 experiments, in each of which Q-RT-PCR measurements were performed in triplicate. Significant differences between fetal liver and adult bone marrow values (P < .05) were determined by a Student t test and are indicated by an asterisk.

Comparison of gene expression in cultured fetal and adult HSCs. Transcript levels were determined by Q-RT-PCR for each gene relative to Gapdh on the 48-hour progeny of highly purified suspensions of HSCs from E14.5 fetal liver (FL, □) and adult bone marrow (BM, ■) cultured under serum-free conditions with growth factors that optimize HSC maintenance (50 ng/mL SF for the fetal liver cells and 300 ng/mL SF plus 20 ng/mL IL-11 for the adult bone marrow cells). LinSca1+CD43+Mac1+ cells were isolated from E14.5 fetal liver cells and linRhoSP cells were isolated from adult bone marrow as described in “Materials and methods.” Results are the mean plus or minus SEM of data from 2 to 3 experiments, in each of which Q-RT-PCR measurements were performed in triplicate. Significant differences between fetal liver and adult bone marrow values (P < .05) were determined by a Student t test and are indicated by an asterisk.

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