FACS profiles of CCR3 and CD34 expression on BAL and parenchymal cells, and migration assay results. (A,B) FACS profiles showing granularity (as measured by side light scatter [SSC]) versus CCR3 fluorescence staining on purified cells. (C) Giemsa staining of cytospin preparations from CCR3+ sorted cells. Eosinophils (CCR3+CD3−B220−) were sorted from total BAL from OVA-challenged mice. (D,E) Single-color histograms showing CD34 staining intensity on SSChi CCR3+ gated populations from panels A and B. Gray-filled histogram represents staining intensity from CD34−/− cells, while the black line represents staining of wt cells. (F) Matrigel migration assay of wt and CD34−/− sorted eosinophils. The migration index (in response to 30 nM eotaxin) was compared between wt (normalized to 100% migration) and CD34−/− mice (n=4 independent experiments using pooled BALs cells from 4-6 mice for each experiment; error bar=SEM).