CD8+ effector T cells in mice coinjected with LV-CMV-GFP and GFP-tg APCs. (A) C57BL/6 mice were injected with 15 × 106 GFP-tg APCs the day before LV-CMV-GFP injection. Two and 4 weeks after vector administration splenocytes were isolated from mice injected with vehicle (□), LV-CMV-GFP (▒), or coinjected with LV-CMV-GFP and GFP-tg APCs (■), and percentages of CD8+ effector T cells, defined by expression of CD45RBlow CD62Llow, were assessed. (B) A representative dot plot analysis for each experimental group at the indicated time points is shown. Numbers indicate the percentages of CD8+ CD45RBlow CD62Llow in each group. Data are expressed as average of percentages (± SD). Two experiments were performed to allow analysis at different time points and are both shown (the 2 animals in the control group were pooled from the 2 different experiments; 5 animals in the other groups per each time point are shown).