BrdU incorporation by CD8 cells in spleen, PLN, MLN and BM (BM). Single-cell suspensions were prepared from spleen, PLN (ie, inguinal and brachial), MLN, and BM of BrdU-treated B6 mice. After staining with anti-TCR cychrome, anti-CD8 biotin-streptavidin-APC, anti-CD44 PE (A,B) or anti CD122-PE (C,D) mAbs plus either control FITC or anti-BrdU FITC mAb, cells from individual mice were analyzed by flow cytometry. (A and C) BrdU staining. Representative staining profiles of spleen, PLN, MLN, and BM samples after gating on TCR+CD8+ cells. The scales on x-axis and y-axis are logarithmic, in arbitrary units. The numbers represent the percentages of cells within CD8 cells in the indicated quadrant. (B and D) BrdU+ cell percentages within CD8-cell subsets. The percentages of BrdU+ cells within CD44high and CD44int/low (B), CD122high and CD122int/low (D) TCR+CD8+ cells from each organ were determined, after subtraction of background staining with control mAb (≤ 1%). The percentages of BrdU+ cells from individual mice are represented, as well as the average value of each group (horizontal bar). The panels summarize the results obtained in 3 independent experiments. The P values are indicated when P ≤ .05 and P ≤ .01.