Selective induction of DC inflammatory functions by hypoxia. Effects of DFX on HIF-1α activation (A), production of TNFα and IL-1β (B), Ccr7 mRNA expression (C), and chemotactic responsiveness to CCL19 and CXCL12 (D) of LPS-exposed murine DCs. (E) Effects of hypoxia on DC functions in vivo. CD34+-derived myeloid DCs were exposed to LPS for 18 hours in normoxia or in the presence of DFX (400 μM). Afterward, 2 × 106 of CFSE-labeled DCs were injected subcutaneously in the hind-leg footpad. The number of DCs that had migrated to the popliteal lymph nodes was evaluated by cytofluorimetry. Results are representative or average of 3 independent expreiments. *P < .05 versus normoxic counterparts. (F) Histologic (left panels) and immunohistochemical (right panels) evaluation of subcutaneous inflammatory infiltrates induced by injection of DCs cultured in normoxia (NORM), hypoxia (HYP), or in the presence of DFX. EE indicates hematoxylin-eosin; LFA1, anti-LFA1 monoclonal antibody; Ep, epidermis; De, dermis; and Sm, skeletal muscle. **Inflammatory infiltrate. (G) Viability of normoxic and DFX-treated DCs after injection. Footpad sections of mice injected with normoxic or DFX-treated DCs were stained for the DC marker CD11c (red), the apoptotic marker annexin (green), and the nuclei marker DAPI (blue), as indicated. Original magnification ×100. Bars represent 20 μm. Immunohistochemical and fluorescence analyses were performed using an Olympus BX-51 microscope (Olympus, Hamburg, Germany) with Plan N 10× objective for immunohistochemical and Plan N 20× objective for fluorescence using a Colour view III camera. Images were captured and processed using Cell ^F application software.