Figure 2
Figure 2. The large CD25+ B cells mediate suppression of activated Th cells. (A) Proliferation assay of cCD3-stimulated Th cells alone or in presence of lgB25+ or smB25− cells after 4 days in presence (■) or absence (▨) of IL-2. Bars represent mean of 9 independent experiments plus or minus SEM. (B) Proliferation of prestimulated () or freshly isolated (■) Th cells in presence of lgB25+ or smB25−B cells after 4-day culture with IL-2. Mean plus or minus SEM of 3 representative experiments. (C) Proliferation of Th cells in presence of different concentrations of lgB25+ cells, diluted in cell culture media (■) or in B25− cells (). Data expressed as mean plus or minus SEM of triplicates from one representative experiment.

The large CD25+ B cells mediate suppression of activated Th cells. (A) Proliferation assay of cCD3-stimulated Th cells alone or in presence of lgB25+ or smB25 cells after 4 days in presence (■) or absence (▨) of IL-2. Bars represent mean of 9 independent experiments plus or minus SEM. (B) Proliferation of prestimulated () or freshly isolated (■) Th cells in presence of lgB25+ or smB25B cells after 4-day culture with IL-2. Mean plus or minus SEM of 3 representative experiments. (C) Proliferation of Th cells in presence of different concentrations of lgB25+ cells, diluted in cell culture media (■) or in B25 cells (). Data expressed as mean plus or minus SEM of triplicates from one representative experiment.

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