Figure 1
Figure 1. FLT3 ligand is dispensable for steady-state maintenance of adult HSCs. (A) Representative fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) plots for analysis of LSKCD34−FLT3− and LSKCD34−D150+ cells in 9- to 10-week-old WT and Fl−/− mice. Numbers indicate frequencies of populations within indicated gates or quadrants of total BM cells. Cells have first been gated on Lin− cells as indicated. (B) Mean (SEM) numbers of LSK, LSKCD34−FLT3−, and LSKCD34−CD150+ cells in BM (per 2 tibiae and 2 femora) of 9- to 10-week-old WT and Fl−/− mice (n = 5 per genotype). ns indicates not significant.

FLT3 ligand is dispensable for steady-state maintenance of adult HSCs. (A) Representative fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) plots for analysis of LSKCD34FLT3 and LSKCD34D150+ cells in 9- to 10-week-old WT and Fl−/− mice. Numbers indicate frequencies of populations within indicated gates or quadrants of total BM cells. Cells have first been gated on Lin cells as indicated. (B) Mean (SEM) numbers of LSK, LSKCD34FLT3, and LSKCD34CD150+ cells in BM (per 2 tibiae and 2 femora) of 9- to 10-week-old WT and Fl−/− mice (n = 5 per genotype). ns indicates not significant.

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