Molecular and chemical modulation of Pk expression. CD4+ HeLa cells (clone 1022) were either untreated (no vector) or transduced with control adenoviral vector alone (control [Ctrl] vector) or adenoviral vector containing full-length human Pk synthase (Pk-S) cDNA (PkS vector). Both the control and Pk-S vectors contained an EYFP gene to detect transduction efficiency. After 48 hours, FACS analysis was performed and scatter plots of CD4+ HeLa cells labeled with anti–Pk GAM-FITC were analyzed, where background was compensated to isotype controls. (A) Histogram plots representing percentage of cell populations expressing EYFP (top panel) or Pk (lower panel) for no vector control (left), control vector (center), and Pk-S vector (right). (B) VT1 overlay for Pk detection was carried out on TLC of total GSLs extracted from control and transduced CD4+ HeLa cells. Lane 1: GSL standards. Lane 2: Cells without adenovector (no vector). Lane 3: Cells with control adenovector (control vector). Lane 4: Cells with adenovector-expressing Pk synthase gene (Pk-S vector). (C) HIV-1IIIB (MOI, 0.1) was used to infect CD4+ HeLa cells with no vector, control vector, or Pk-S vector. After 3 days, HIV-1 infection was measured by p24gag production. Percentage difference in HIV-1 infection was calculated based on CD4+ HeLa cells without adenovector (no vector). Data are representative of the mean plus or minus SEM where n = 3 infection data points; *P < .05 comparing Pk-S–transduced cells to untransduced cells. This figure is representative of 3 independent experiments. (D) Histogram plots representing percentage of cell populations expressing Pk after CD4+ HeLa cells (clone 6C) were either untreated (control) or treated with a GSL biosynthesis inhibitor (P4-treated, 2 μM) for 5 days to deplete glucosyl ceramide based GSLs, which includes Pk. (E) VT1 overlay for Pk detection was carried out on TLC of total GSLs extracted from untreated and P4-treated CD4+ HeLa cells. Lane 1: Control (untreated) cells. Lane 2: P4-treated cells. Lane 3-5: GSL standards. (F) HIV-1IIIB (MOI, 0.1) infection of untreated or P4-treated CD4+ HeLa cells was measured by p24gag production after 3 days of culture. Percentage difference in HIV-1 infection of P4-treated cells was calculated based on untreated control representing 100% infection. Data are representative of the mean plus or minus SEM where n = 3 infection data points; *P < .05. This figure is representative of 3 independent experiments