Incidence of CSF3R mutations in single cells of the hematopoietic compartment. Single flow cytometrically sorted cells were analyzed for the occurrence of CSF3R mutations. For each population, at least 100 cells were analyzed by PCR and direct sequencing. The diagram summarizes the results. Different mutations are presented in different colors (as in Germeshausen et al2 ). Similar colors symbolize similar effects on the protein as indicated in the color legend on the right side: yellow/orange indicate mutations leading to the loss of 4 tyrosine residues (−4Y); red to brown, −3Y; and violet, −2Y. Nucleotide positions of the mutations refer to Fukunaga et al.4 The percentage of mutated cells is represented by the size of the colored slices. The white portion of the circle represents cells with 2 wild-type alleles. Data for cell types in gray boxes are not derived from single-cell analyses but from mRNA analyses of the respective populations as described previously (data from Germeshausen et al2 ). Percentages of mutated cells were deduced from the percentage of mutated CSF3R mRNA assuming a balanced expression of mutated and wild-type allele.