Figure 3
Figure 3. Erythrocyte binding, circulation kinetics, and infection profiles are altered in CAR and CR1 transgenic mice. (A) Erythrocytes were isolated from human donors (i), WT mice (ii), CAR mice (iii), or CR1 mice (iv), and after washing were resuspended in PBS, human plasma, or mouse plasma. Ad5 was added and after incubation, liquid (□) and erythrocyte (■) fractions were separated and assayed for Ad5 genome content; N = 4, SEM shown. (B) The circulation kinetics of Ad5 are altered in CAR but not CR1 transgenic mice. Ad5 was injected intravenously into WT, CAR, or CR1 mice and blood sampled at 10, 30, 360, or 1440 minutes. Samples were assayed for Ad5 genome content by quantitative PCR; N = 3, SD shown. **P < .005. (C) The livers from the mice injected in panel B were harvested at 24 hours and after homogenization were assayed for reporter gene expression; N = 3, SD shown. **P < .005.

Erythrocyte binding, circulation kinetics, and infection profiles are altered in CAR and CR1 transgenic mice. (A) Erythrocytes were isolated from human donors (i), WT mice (ii), CAR mice (iii), or CR1 mice (iv), and after washing were resuspended in PBS, human plasma, or mouse plasma. Ad5 was added and after incubation, liquid (□) and erythrocyte (■) fractions were separated and assayed for Ad5 genome content; N = 4, SEM shown. (B) The circulation kinetics of Ad5 are altered in CAR but not CR1 transgenic mice. Ad5 was injected intravenously into WT, CAR, or CR1 mice and blood sampled at 10, 30, 360, or 1440 minutes. Samples were assayed for Ad5 genome content by quantitative PCR; N = 3, SD shown. **P < .005. (C) The livers from the mice injected in panel B were harvested at 24 hours and after homogenization were assayed for reporter gene expression; N = 3, SD shown. **P < .005.

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