Figure 6
Figure 6. Increased HNE and TSP2 staining in CYP1B1−/− mice retina. Frozen eye sections prepared from P17 CYP1B1+/+ (A,C,E,G) and CYP1B1−/− mice (B,D,F,H) exposed to OIR receiving solvent control (A,B,E,F) or NAC (C,D,G,H; 10 mg/kg in 0.1 mL IP) from P12 to P17, were stained with specific antibodies to HNE (A-D) and TSP2 (E-H) (×200). Please note the marked fluorescence staining for TSP2 and HNE (arrowheads) in CYP1B1−/− retina which are diminished upon administration of NAC compared with CYP1B1+/+ retinas. Sections were treated identically and images were obtained under identical conditions. These experiments were repeated twice with eyes from 4 different mice with similar results.

Increased HNE and TSP2 staining in CYP1B1−/− mice retina. Frozen eye sections prepared from P17 CYP1B1+/+ (A,C,E,G) and CYP1B1−/− mice (B,D,F,H) exposed to OIR receiving solvent control (A,B,E,F) or NAC (C,D,G,H; 10 mg/kg in 0.1 mL IP) from P12 to P17, were stained with specific antibodies to HNE (A-D) and TSP2 (E-H) (×200). Please note the marked fluorescence staining for TSP2 and HNE (arrowheads) in CYP1B1−/− retina which are diminished upon administration of NAC compared with CYP1B1+/+ retinas. Sections were treated identically and images were obtained under identical conditions. These experiments were repeated twice with eyes from 4 different mice with similar results.

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