Compounds specifically affecting lymph vessel development in Xenopus tadpoles. Control DMSO- (A-B) and compound-treated (C-N) Xenopus embryos were analyzed by whole-mount in situ hybridization as described in the legend to Figure 3. Close-up views of apj-stained embryos illustrate normal ISV angiogenesis and VVN development in the embryonic trunk. ALSs, ALHs, and PLVs are highlighted by arrows, asterisks, and arrowheads, respectively. (A-B) Normal ALS and ALH lymphatics, and PLVs. (C-D) Dysplastic ALH lymphatics. (E-F) Dysplastic ALS and ALH lymphatics, and hypoplastic PLVs. Note persistent vegfr3 expression in the VVN (black arrowhead). (G-H) Stunted ALS lymphatics, dysplastic ALH lymphatics, and hypoplastic PLVs. (I-J) Impaired ALS lymphangiogenesis, stunted ALH lymphatics, and hypoplastic PLVs. (K-N) Impaired ALS and ALH lymphangiogenesis, and hypoplastic PLVs. (O) Scheme of the lymphatic vasculature (orange) of the stage 42 embryo. DPLV indicates dorsal posterior lymph vessel; and VPLV, ventral posterior lymph vessel.