Generation of Ets2 conditional knockout mice. (A) Illustration of targeting strategy. The position of the PCR primers used to distinguish the various alleles are indicated, and asterisks highlight primers used to distinguish Ets2fl and EtsKO alleles. (B) PCR genotyping results for Ets2ko/+, Ets2fl/+, and Ets2+/+ mice, as indicated. Asterisks indicate the PCR products that distinguish the Ets2fl and Ets2ko alleles, and they are coded to the appropriate primer sets represented in panel A. (C) Western blot prepared using embryonic fibroblast extracts derived from MORE;Ets2fl/fl or Ets2fl/fl, as indicated. (D) Waved hair phenotype of adult: Ets2fl/fl;MORE mice (left) versus Ets2fl/fl control littermate (right).