Mi.III+ RBCs exhibited higher Cl−/HCO3− exchange capacity upon HCO3− stimulation. (A) Intracellular Cl− was labeled by fluorescent dye SPQ, and the intracellular Cl− concentration ([Cl−]out) was measured by the degree of SPQ quenching inside erythrocytes. When the extracellular bicarbonate ([HCO3−]out) was 5 mM, [Cl−]in increased little with respect to [Cl−]out. [Cl−]in was similar between the control and Mi.III+ erythrocytes. In the milieu of 15 mM HCO3−, Mi.III+ erythrocytes contained more Cl− and showed higher Cl− permeability than the control cells. Data are expressed as mean ± SE; *P < .05 at 90 mM [Cl−]out. The numbers of donors tested were indicated next to sample labels. (B) The concentrations of intracellular bicarbonate ([HCO3−]in) were predicted according to Donnan equilibrium. In the milieu of 15 mM HCO3−, Mi.III+ erythrocytes also contained more HCO3− and showed higher HCO3− permeability.