Donor cell origin of an oral squamous cell carcinoma occurring after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. Tumor of XX genotype occurring in a male patient who received a BM transplant from a female donor. (A) Hematoxylin and eosin staining. Epithelial tumor cells invading the lamina propria of the oral mucosa. (B) Immunostaining with an antibody directed against p53. Nuclei of the basal layers of the squamous cell carcinoma are strongly positive (panel C being higher magnification of the delimited area on panel B). (D-G) Combined immunostainings with FISH methods for X chromosome (green signal) and Y chromosome (red signal). Tumor cells have a XX genotype on overlay D, as shown at higher magnification in panel G, and they are not stained with the Y chromosome–specific probe. Capillary cells (Cap, arrowheads on panels D and E) have a XY genotype on overlay D. Mononuclear CD45+ cells (E) have a XX genotype on overlay D, as shown by green arrows. (H) High magnification of p53-positive tumor cells () before (top picture) and after (bottom picture) laser microdissection. (I) Comparison of the profiles of laser-microdissected tumor cells, inflammatory cells (from the donor), and epidermal cells (from the recipient) from blocks of the same surgical piece. Microsatellite analysis at the D2S138 locus shows that the tumor microdissected cells, because the microdissected inflammatory cells of the donor are heterozygous at this locus (106 and 111 base peaks), whereas the microdissected normal epidermal cells of the recipient is homozygous (106 base peak). Microsatellite analysis of this locus another one (D17S1879, not shown) show the donor origin of the tumor. Images in panels A through C were viewed with an Olympus AX70 microscope (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) using Olympus UPlan Fl 4×/0.13 NA and 40×/0.17 NA objectives, and taken with a ColorView III digital camera using Olympus-SIS Cell F software. Images in panels D through G were viewed with a motorized Z-axis Olympus BX 61 microscope using an Olympus UPlan Fl 100×/1.3 NA objective and taken with a ColorView III digital camera using Olympus-SIS Cell F software. Image in panel H was viewed with a PALM laser catapulted microdissector system (PALM, Bernried, Germany) on an Olympus IX81 microscope using an Olympus LUCPlanFl 40×/0.6 NA objective and taken with a digital camera using PALM Robo software version 3.