Radiologic findings in patients 1 and 2. Abdominal computed axial tomography scan of patient 1, before (A) and after (B) anakinra. Before starting anakinra, a soft tissue mass was observed surrounding the right ureter (white arrow; A1, A2). Image A3 shows the dilatation of the right renal cavities (white arrow), which required the insertion of a JJ-ureteric catheter (white arrowhead). After 6 months of anakinra treatment, the retroperitoneal fibrosis surrounding the right JJ-catheter had disappeared (B1, B2; white arrow), and the kidney pyelo-ureteral cavities had returned to their normal sizes. (C) A 99m technetium-Methyl diphosphonate bone scan of patient 2 shows symmetrically increased uptake in the diaphyses and metaphyses of the femurs and tibias. (D) Magnetic resonance angiography of the aorta of patient 2 shows periaortic fibrosis (white arrow) with a coated aorta appearance.