GATA3 promoter and regulatory element sequences are occupied by NFκB subunit p65 and Notch-1 in vivo. (A) Schematic draft of the GATA3 gene. Exons 1 and 2 are depicted. The transcriptional start site (Txn) is at −953. Translational start site (Tln) is located in exon 2 at position +1. Exon 2 starts at −369. NFκB sites are indicated by white hexagons whereas black hexagons represent Notch-1/CSL sites. The 3 PCR amplicons are depicted by bars underlining putative binding sites. Arrows represent primers used for PCR. (B) Results of a representative chromatin ChIP PCR after antibody treatment of samples in the indicated lanes for putative Notch-1 binding sites. (C) As in (B) PCRs for NFκB ChIP. Each ChIP was repeated twice.