Dynamic array analysis of endosteal populations isolated from 2-, 4-, 6-, and 8-week-old BM. To analyze changes in gene expression in ALCAM+Sca-1−, ALCAM−Sca-1−, and ALCAM−Sca-1+ cells isolated from the BM of 2-, 4-, 6-, and 8-week-old mice, gene expression was examined by dynamic array. (A) Representative gene expression pattern of selected genes. The horizontal axis is a list of genes tested, including internal controls, and the vertical axis represents the quadruplicate cell samples. The color in each cross point indicates ddCt. (B) Changes in gene expression levels of Angpt1, Kitl, Angpt2, Flt3l, Tgfb3, Vegfa, Cxcl12, Fn1, Mmp9, Thpo, Jag1, and Mmp13. Gapdh was used for an endogenous control. Data represent means ± SD. Statistical differences were analyzed among each population and between each age (*P < .05).