Growth advantage of Hemgn-overexpressing BM cells in culture and in serial CFU-C assays. (A) Flow cytometry measurements of the GFP/YFP percentages of transduced BM cells at 6th, 11th, and 16th day in liquid culture after transduction. Note that on day 0, dilutions were performed so that all samples had 13% transduced cells dilute with mock-transduced cells. (B) Secondary CFU-C colony numbers generated the transduced cells. The vector groups are shown below each histogram. (C) The GFP/YFP percentage of transduced cells (GFP/YFP) in primary and secondary CFU-C colonies, which were derived from the preplating 13% GFP/YFP-positive cell mixture. Three biologically independent experiments were performed, and the SD is shown in each panel.