Conditioning regimen and schedule for CTL infusion. (A) The conditioning regimen used before allogeneic SCT. The regimen for patients 18 to 40 years of age consisted of hyperfractionated TBI with 6 × 200 cGy from day −9 to day −7, with lung shielding (maximum lung dose of 800 cGy). Patients older than 40 years received only 4 × 200 cGy. Fludarabine was infused at a daily dose of 40 mg/m2 from day −6 to day −2. On the same days, 5 mg/kg antithymocyte globulin (ATG)–Fresenius was infused over 4 hours. Two doses of thiotepa (5 mg/kg) were infused over 4 hours on day −5. Treatment with cyclosporine A was initiated on day −10 at a daily dose of 1 mg/kg until day −3. CD34+-selected peripheral blood stem cells were infused on day 0 (SCT). (B) The planned schedule of infusion of in vitro-generated CD8+ T-cell preparations. Whenever possible, in vitro-cultured donor CD8+ T cells were infused on days 28, 56, and 112. No postgrafting immunosuppressive therapy was administered.