Two-way sensitivity analysis. Two-way sensitivity analysis for the utilities of the states “No relapse without GVHD” and “No relapse with GVHD.” The blue area represents the range in which HCT is favored. The green area represents the range in which CTx is favored. Although the median value (0.90 for “without GVHD” and 0.60 for “with GVHD,” shown as a red star) indicates that HCT in CR1 is favored, the plausible range (0.60-1.00 for “without GVHD” and 0.40-0.80 for “with GVHD,” shown as a red transparent square) overlaps the threshold line. This result is interpreted as “sensitive,” which means the outcome is changeable within the plausible range of QOL evaluation provided by physicians. CR1 indicates first complete remission; HCT, allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; CTx, chemotherapy; and GVHD, graft-versus-host disease.