Gene expression changes in cell lines with manipulated SOD2 levels. SOD2 levels in myeloma cell lines were manipulated by a retroviral transduction of either SOD2 or a shRNA directed against SOD2 (shSOD2). Gene expression changes are shown by the color bar where red represents an increase, green represents a decrease, and black represents no change. Gray indicates missing data. (A) All named genes showing a decrease (≤ 2-fold in 2 of 3 experiments) in expression following transduction with SOD2 and a corresponding increase in OPM-2 transduced with shSOD2 are shown. Boldfaced gene names were identified in publicly available MM patient gene expression databases (GSE755; Gene Expression Omnibus database21 ). *Genes that have a similar pattern of expression in the MM patient databases. (B) All named genes showing an increase (≥ 2-fold in 2 of 3 experiments) in expression following transduction with SOD2 and a corresponding decrease in OPM-2 transduced with shSOD2. Boldfaced gene names were identified in publicly available MM patient gene expression databases (GSE755; Gene Expression Omnibus database21 ). *Genes that have a similar pattern of expression in the MM patient databases. (C) The top 20 functional categories of SOD2-regulated genes identified using Ingenuity's Pathway Assist software.