Distinct phenotypic and functional features of the CD161++CD8α+ population are shared between the CD161++ CD8αα+ and CD8αβ subsets. (A) Representative histograms showing CD161++ CD8αα+ and CD8αβ cells to express CCR6, CCR2, and CXCR6. Cumulative data shown. ns = non significant (Mann-Whitney test). (B) Cumulative data showing expression of IFN-γ, IL-17 and IL-22 by CD161++ CD8αα and CD8αβ cells. *P = .0467, ns = non significant (Mann- Whitney). (C) Heat-map showing up (red) and down (green) regulated gene expression of CD161++CD8αα (light blue) compared with CD8αβ (dark blue) cells on microarray.