HGAL mediates miR-155 effects on human lymphoma cell motility. VAL lymphoma cells were transfected with control nontargeting miRNA and hsa-miR-155 alone or with pcDNA3.1-HGAL plasmid. Forty-eight hours later, the cells were used for SDF-1 chemotaxis assay performed in triplicate, as described in “Chemotaxis assays.” Data are mean ± SEM of triplicates. *Significant difference (P < .05). Western blot confirms down-regulation of endogenous HGAL protein levels in hsa-miR-155–transfected cells and rescue of HGAL expression in cells transfected with pcDNA3.1-HGAL plasmid. Densitometry analysis of normalized endogenous HGAL to actin is presented. The values in the control samples were arbitrarily defined as 1. Results are representative of 2 independent experiments.