SYK is a potential candidate target for pharmacologic inhibition. (A) Histogram representation of Affymetrix data of overexpressed SYK probe set in HSTL tissues, HSTL cells, normal γδ T cells, and DERL2 cells. (B) Immunostaining of SYK in the DERL2 cell line. (C) Western blot analysis of Syk, phosphorylated Syk tyr525/526, and loading control β actin. (D) DERL2 cells or normal activated γδ T cells were cultured with 40 or 60μM Syk inhibitor II or vehicle alone for 48 hours. Apoptosis was analyzed using 7AAD staining. For normal activated γδ T cells, TCRVγ9 apoptotic cells were determined by measuring the percentage of TCRVγ9+ and 7AAD+ cells. *P < .05.