CD4+ Treg reconstitution in peripheral blood of NMA, NMA + 2-Gy TBI, and NMA + 12-Gy TBI TIL patients. (A) The total numbers of CD3+, CD8+, and CD4+ TILs that were infused into patients in the NMA-alone, NMA + 2-Gy TBI, and NMA + 12-Gy TBI TIL trials are shown. (B) The absolute CD3, CD8, and CD4 T-cell counts of week-1 PBMCs in the NMA alone, NMA + 2-Gy TBI, and NMA + 12-Gy TBI trials are indicated. Horizontal bars represent median values. (C-D) Percentages of Treg in CD3+ T cells and Treg absolute cell counts in the 3 NMA TIL trials were evaluated at week 1. (E) Percentages of CD4+ Treg as a percentage of total CD4+ T cells in the NMA-alone, NMA + 2-Gy TBI, and NMA + 12-Gy TBI TIL trials were compared at week 1. (F) The ratios of CD4+ Tregs to total CD8+ T cells in 3 NMA TIL trials were compared at week 1.