Time course of hemostasis after infusions of FIXWT and FIXFC in CRM− and CRM+ mice. (A) SVBA at 1 and 7 days after the infusion of 150 IU/kg FIXWT (green) or FIXFC (purple) in CRM− mice. (B) SVBA at 1, 3, 5, and 7 days after the infusion of 150 IU/kg FIXWT (green) or FIXFC (purple) in CRM+ mice. (C) Plot of median SVBA values for FIXWT (red) and FIXFC (blue) in CRM− mice and for FIXWT (green) and FIXFC (orange) in CRM+ mice from panels A and B after adjustment for the median SVBA baseline values of untreated CRM− (1) and CRM+ (3) mice. Note no significant difference in the hemostatic effects of the agents in CRM+ or CRM− mice at 24 hours, but the rate of decay in hemostatic effectiveness is much faster in CRM+ compared with CRM− mice. At 7 days, the differences between SVBA results in CRM− and CRM+ mice are statistically significant for both FIXWT (P=.001) and FIXFC (P = .02) treatments.