Figure 2.
Dysregulation of gene expression in Gata1s mutant erythroid cells. (A) PCA of global gene expression changes as determined by RNA-seq of R1/2- and R3-sorted erythroblasts from WT and G1s at days E12.5 (●) and E14.5 (○). (B) GSEA of differentially expressed genes in WT R1/2 vs G1s R1/2, or WT R3 vs G1s R3 erythroid cells. NES, normalized enrichment score; FDR, false discovery rate. (C) Boxplots showing the normalized expression of selected erythroid lineage genes from the RNA-seq. The red horizontal line indicates the mean normalized expression, the light red box represents the 95% confidence interval for the mean, and the blue box represents ± 1 SD.