Figure 2.
TAZ is hypermethylated in MM. (A) Methylation β values of normal plasma and B cells (n = 9) and plasma cells from MGUS, SMM (n = 4), or MM (n = 161) are shown as mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM) using data from GSE21304.35 β values range from 0 to 1.0, equivalent to 0% to 100% methylation. (B) Prediction of CpG islands in TAZ promoter using MethPrimer ( with regions highlighted for MSP. (C) MSP of 3 regions within the TAZ promoter reveals hypermethylation in KMM1, KMS11, JJN3, and U266 cell lines. Universally methylated (Meth) and unmethylated (UnMeth) DNA served as MSP controls. GC, guanine and cytosine nucleotides; M, methylated; TSS, transcription start site; U, unmethylated.