Patient ancestry distribution by graft type. (A) All patients (n = 1312), divided by ancestry group and graft type: 8/8 unrelated donors (URDs; n = 723), 7/8 URDs (n = 219), cord blood (CB; n = 319), or no 7/8 or 8/8 URD or CB (n = 51). (B) 8/8 URD transplantation patients, divided by ancestry group (n = 723). In all, 576 (80%) of 723 patients were European, and 147 (20%) of 723 were non-European. (C) 7/8 URD transplantation patients, divided by ancestry group (n = 219). In all, 133 (61%) of 219 patients were European, and 86 (39%) of 219 were non-European. (D) CB transplantation patients, divided by ancestry group (n = 319). In all, 147 (46%) of 319 patients were European, and 172 (54%) of 319 were non-European. (E) Patients without a 7/8 or 8/8 URD or CB graft, divided by ancestry group (n = 51). In all, 10 (20%) of 51 patients were European, and 41 (80%) of 51 were non-European. Reprinted from Barker et al.11