Figure 7.
Lamellipodium formation is not required for hemostatic function and arterial thrombus formation. (A) A 2-mm segment of the tail tip was cut, and bleeding was determined to have ceased when no blood drop was observed on the filter paper. Each symbol represents 1 individual. (B) Mesenteric arterioles were treated with 20% FeCl3, and adhesion and thrombus formation of fluorescently labeled platelets were monitored by in vivo fluorescence microscopy. Representative images are shown. (C) Statistical evaluation of the time to appearance of a first thrombus and (D) time to occlusion. (E) The abdominal aorta was mechanically injured using forceps (compression for 15 seconds), and blood flow was monitored. Each symbol represents 1 individual. (F) Scanning electron microscopy of an in vivo formed thrombus (n = 4). Scale bar, 2 µm. (G-H) Mice were subjected to the rpA reaction to induce local skin inflammation. (G) Representative images are shown. Inflammatory spots are highlighted. Original image: 4 × 3 cm. (H) Hemoglobin (Hb) content in tissue punch biopsies from inflammatory spots was quantified (n = 4, representative for 3 independent experiments). (I) Representative images of bronchoalveolar lavage liquid at 4 hours after LPS application. (J) Quantification of the Hb content in bronchoalveolar lavage liquid. Platelet-depleted animals served as positive control of inflammatory bleeding in both models (n = 5, representative for 3 independent experiments).