Biomarkers correlating with CRS and CRES. The peak concentrations of serum IL-6 (sIL-6) associated with the severity of CRS in the cohort of B-ALL (A) and the cohort of B-NHL (B). The peak concentrations of SF associated with the severity of CRS in the cohort of B-ALL (C) and the cohort of B-NHL (D). (E) The baseline percentage of blasts in BM associated with the severity of CRS in the cohort of B-ALL. (F) The peak concentration of serum C-reactive protein (sCRP) associated with the severity of CRS in the cohort of B-NHL. (G) The international prognostic index (IPI) score at baseline associated with the severity of CRS in the cohort of B-NHL. The peak concentrations of sIL-6 (H) and SF (I), associated with the occurrence of CRES in the cohort of B-ALL. The horizontal lines in each box represent the median values, and the lower and upper borders of each box represent the 25th and the 75th percentiles, respectively, and the whiskers represent the minimum and maximum range.