Figure 1.
Figure 1. Study overview. 1. Early progression is defined as progression or death within 2 years after registration. One additional patient was excluded from this set of analyses, who withdrew consent after 50 days from registration. 2. CAC seen in >5 patients. 3. Regions identified through SPP analysis with log-rank statistics using Nexus (see “Methods”). P < .01 was used as a cutoff for the Fisher exact test for early progression, and univariate and multivariate Cox analyses for PFS and OS.

Study overview. 1. Early progression is defined as progression or death within 2 years after registration. One additional patient was excluded from this set of analyses, who withdrew consent after 50 days from registration. 2. CAC seen in >5 patients. 3. Regions identified through SPP analysis with log-rank statistics using Nexus (see “Methods”). P < .01 was used as a cutoff for the Fisher exact test for early progression, and univariate and multivariate Cox analyses for PFS and OS.

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