NIH global severity assessments to determine need for intervention in patients with ongoing cGVHD.24,25 Our approach to patients seen in our multidisciplinary clinic for ongoing refractory cGVHD entails assessment of global severity score as well as assessment of treatment response measures per consensus publications (yellow box, top left). Patients without treatment response and/or worsening disease require addition of immunosuppressive therapy (IST) and may also require modification of IST. The group of patients with stable or fixed disease (gray box, bottom left) may have unacceptable toxicity from steroids or may have what has been deemed steroid intolerance. For patients with unresponsive cGVHD or fixed organ damage, tapering steroids is typically recommended (to avoid further steroid toxicity) while maintaining other agents that may be keeping disease in a stable state. *After ≤2 weeks if lung or liver or moderate to severe disease; otherwise, after 4 weeks if no life-sustaining organs are involved. †NIH cGVHD consensus definitions: steroid refractory, steroid dependent, steroid intolerant.24,25 LFT, liver function tests; PFT, pulmonary function tests.