Landscape of nonsynonymous mutations in BL-associated genes. Mutation status of BL-associated genes (BLGs) in the discovery and validation cohorts. EBV-positive (N = 94) and EBV-negative (N = 41) tumors are shown separately and reordered for each pathway to highlight any mutual exclusivity. Mutations are colored according to their predicted consequence on the protein (ie, mutation type) and are tabulated in the right-hand bar plots. Focal gains and deletions were defined as those smaller than 1 Mbp. Mutation prevalence in EBV-positive (N = 94) and EBV-negative (N = 26) BLGSP discovery and validation cases were the ones subject to statistical analysis and are shown in left-hand bar plot. ICGC cases were excluded to avoid the possible confounding effect of lower sequencing coverage. Significance brackets: *Q < 0.1 (Fisher’s exact test).