Association between common CHARGE variants and FVIII PK parameters. Analysis of the association between CHARGE variants in VWF, CLEC4M, STAB2, and TC2N and FVIII PK or VWF levels. Gray boxes correspond to homozygous inheritance of the major (reference) allele, and blue boxes correspond to heterozygous inheritance. Homozygous inheritance of the minor (nonreference) allele was not assessed because of small sample sizes. The box plots correspond to median and interquartile range, and the whiskers denote minimum and maximum values. Statistical significance was assessed by Mann-Whitney U. (A) Association between CHARGE variants and FVIII clearance (Cl). (B) Association between CHARGE variants and FVIII elimination rate constant (k). (C) Association between CHARGE variants and FVIII half-life. (D) Association between CHARGE variants and FVIII AUC. (E) Association between CHARGE variants and VWF:Ag. (F) Association between CHARGE variants and VWFpp/VWF:Ag.