Association between chimerism and relapse. Top panels show the cumulative incidence of disease relapse with 95% CI for patients with mixed chimerism (red) compared with patients with full donor chimerism (blue). Top left panels show relapse rates for patients with myeloid malignancies (n = 280) according to CD3 (A) and CD15 (B) chimerism status. Top right panels show relapse rates for patients with B-cell malignancies (n= 267) according to CD3 (C) and CD19 (D) chimerism status. Bottom panels show the distribution of chimerism values (peak chimerism by day +180) for patients who relapsed or never relapsed. Bottom left panels show CD3 (E) and CD15 (F) chimerism distributions for patients with myeloid malignancies. Bottom right panels show CD3 (G) and CD19 (H) chimerism distributions for patients with B-cell malignancies. Solid horizontal lines indicate the medians, and dashed horizontal lines indicate the interquartile range. Patients with graft failure or rejection (n = 33), missing chimerism data (n = 10, or T-cell malignancies (n = 25) were excluded.