IL1RL1 region with associated SNP Pvalues annotated with previous GWAS and Roadmap Epigenome chromatin states. (A) GWAS SNPs in the IL1RL1 region SNPs are classified by broad phenotypes indicated by the colored circles; all variants are associated at P < 5 × 10−8. (B) SNP associations in the IL1RL1 region with infection death and aGVHD death at P < .05 in cohort 1 and replicated in cohort 2. All variants above the multiple test correction line (red) are considered significant. The x-axis is the chromosome position in megabase pairs and y-axis shows the −log10 (P values) for aGVHD and infection death. The higher the −log10 number, the lower the P. The SNPs selected using step-AIC for multi-allele models, for death from aGVHD (rs2241131 and rs2310241), and infection (rs4851601, rs13019803 and rs13015714) are highlighted with dashed lines drawn through the point to show the relationship of the variant to GWAS hits and epigenome road map data. (C) Genes in the region were mapped from UCSC build hg19, based on the known Gene Track (C) and annotated with chromatin states from Roadmap Epigenome project (D) for all blood, T cells, HSCs and B cells. The cell line numbers shown down the left side correspond to specific Roadmap Epigenome cell line identifiers (supplemental Table 7). The colors indicate ChromHmm status which is shown in the key.